Los Angeles, CA, United States.

February 25, 2025 by Scheherazade Merchant

I often get asked by well meaning people, why, at this age (60 going on 26) I still need to work?
I usually reply with a stupid answer which ranges from sarcastic to pointless and anything in between.
Because frankly it’s a hard question to answer.
Need” is based on so many assumptions which are not necessarily financial and mine is basically for my soul.
How many people does one know who wake up each morning dying to reach the office, and see what the day has in store? It’s my safe haven that makes me feel so good. I have a great supporting team, more work than I can handle, but most of all, each day is different.
These past 4 (working) days in California have been unexpectedly amazing ones. Unusual for me as I prefer the anonymity and privacy of a hotel, I stayed at the clients home simply for convenience because we had to fly out to different cities two of these 4 days.
And so I woke up to the commotion of chickens making a racket because they were laying eggs that morning after a cold spell, and a rabbit ran past, and caused the dog to chase it.
From another window I saw a rainbow. From my room I could step out into the garden where lavender grew alongside lemons and I walked on soft grass underfoot, in the glorious weather that one rarely experiences; of cool temperatures touched by the comforting gentle warmth of the suns rays.
Breakfast every day, was eggs retrieved from the chicken coop, small but with perfect deep orange yolks, that no Michelin star restaurant could top, enjoyed with Korean beef buns or croissants.
Waking up each day, to their dog putting her nose in my lap while I had my morning coffee was another joy.
And then spending time with the client who I met in person for the first time but felt like I knew her all my life was a delight. I made a really wonderful new friend who I totally resonated with.
Site visits interrupted by a leisurely lunch overlooking the ocean in gloriously cool weather, how can any of this be called work?
This was a cross cultural family, British and Persian on one side and Chinese on the other, and it was so cute to see the kids eat a Persian meal with chopsticks as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
Next on my list includes apart from “normal” work, driving to wine country to site someone’s home, requiring me to spend the night in a small town that I have never heard of. Looking forward to the scenic drives back and forth now.
My career has taken me to places no tourist would ordinarily visit, given me amazing friends, and exposed me to experiences hard to ordinarily come by.
I have no idea what experience the next month will bring me but I will happily rise to it regardless.
Most importantly, my family has been so supportive of my crazy life, that I have no trepidation in taking on anything.
So to those who still want to know why I NEED to work, in my extraordinary job, where I can be so flexible with my time, I ask, who’s working?
