Relationship Finder

Relationship Finder

Your Results:

Relationships are important for everyone, be it your significant other, parent or family member or in your workplace and professional life. How one gets along with or reacts to someone else has no logic, you may love someone while your best friend may hate them. Instant like and dislike are not random feelings, they are based on a simple chemistry based on the year you are born. Amazing but true. Each of us are governed by a sign (converted to a number for ease) from 1 – 9. These numbers are called Guas.

These signs or Guas give us certain qualities we refer to as “Gua Characteristics.” These are character traits, which are specific and pretty much predictable, for each of the Guas.

Predictably, a person of each gua responds to another in a typical fashion. In order to know how you feel about another person, based on your individual Guas, you could refer to the relationship finder.